Service Locations
The Pee Dee Coalition proudly services 8 counties in the Pee Dee Region: Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Marlboro, Williamsburg, and Sumter.
Below are locations for each of our satellite centers and programs with their contact information.

Chesterfield County Satellite Center
339 N Page St, Chesterfield, SC

Rape Crisis & Family Violence Center - Florence County
220 S Irby St., Florence, SC

Darlington County Satellite Center
460 W Carolina, Hartsville, SC

Dillon County Satellite Center
1101 Hwy 301 N, Dillon, SC

Marion County Satellite Center
2800 Hwy 501 N, Marion, SC

Williamsburg County Satellite Center
#2 Courthouse Square, Kingstree, SC

Marlboro County Satellite Center
108 Parsonage St., Bennettsville, SC

Alternatives To Violence (ATV)
234 S Dargan St, Florence, SC

Durant Children's Center - Hartsville
510 W Carolina, Hartsville, SC

Durant Children's Center - Kingstree
119 Hampton Ave., Kingstree, SC

Durant Children's Center - Florence
226 S Irby St., Florence, SC

Durant Children's Center - Sumter
411 N Salem Ave., Sumter, SC