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Prevention Programs

The Prevention Program consists of community education and programs that work to prevent violence in our communities at all ages. 

Female Student


provides prevention programs at local colleges and to young adults with practical ways for reducing one’s risk of victimization. Presentation topics include sexual assault, stalking, date rape, or violence. 


Pee Dee Coalition provides services to domestic violence and sexual assault victims regardless of race, age, color, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or religion.


Pee Dee Coalition also provides community education and prevention programs and does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, age, color, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.


If you believe you have been discriminated against in any way please contact the Pee Dee Coalition Support Services Director at 843-673-2002.

Classroom Lecture
Woman doing Self Defense

is a program of realistic defense tactics for women.  RAD teaches women and girls (12-years and over) prevention, risk reduction, and avoidance while progressing to the basics of self-defense.  This system is dedicated to training women in self-defense against various types of assault by utilizing easy, effective, and proven techniques. RAD is designed to provide them with the knowledge to make educated decisions about resistance.



For more information on the Prevention Program or to schedule a RAD Self-Defense Class, call (843) 601-8688

Talk About Touch

is a school-based program that features classroom presentations for preschool and elementary-age children that offers age-appropriate activities, opportunities to practice skills, and parental involvement and teacher support.

Stewards of Children

a program of Darkness to Light, is an evidence-based prevention solution that increases knowledge, improves attitudes, and changes child protective behaviors; that it offers practical prevention training with a conversational, real-world approach


PEPS (Parent Education Parent Support) weekly
support groups for parents

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