The Coalition is funded through local, state, and federal dollars while relying heavily
on both financial and in-kind contributions from the general public. The organization is a
member organization of seven area United Way or similar funding agencies.
In FY20, we were supported by a variety of citizens, grants, foundations, and trusts that supported the work of Pee Dee Coalition with their financial contributions. Additionally, more than 200 volunteers and interns donated more than 19,814.75 hours to support this important work.
Based on the $25 an hour allowed by grantors for volunteer participation, we received $495,368 in donated services that our organization did not have to cover financially.
Thank you to all our contributors!
Year Ended June 30, 2023
Key Accomplishments in 2023
Completed Marion County Capital Campaign, "Creating a Pathway to Peace, Justice, and Safety" and opened a Marion County Satellite Crisis Center.
Established Marion County Chapter Board.
Expanded Durant Children's Center Clinical Services and Military Family project.
Completed New Beginnings Transitional Shelter Exterior Upgrades.