October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault recognizes the Domestic Violence Awareness Month campaign in October to bring awareness to these issues, educate the community, and reduce occurrences of domestic violence in our communities. Various events and activities are planned throughout the month to engage the community to work together to address the cause of domestic violence.

Safe Homes, Safer Communities is the Coalition's 2023 DVAM theme aiming to break the firm grip of silence that domestic violence holds in our communities.
This year, the Coalition emphasizes the need to develop Safe Homes, Safer Communities across the region.

DVAM was launched in October 1987 as a way to connect and unite individuals and organizations, such as the Coalition, working on issues involving domestic violence.
For three decades, much progress has been made in supporting victims and survivors by holding abusers accountable through legislation revisions while establishing new regulations to further the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence goals.
To achieve the goals, Pee Dee Coalition is committed to making HOME a safer and more compassionate place to live.